Monday, March 31, 2008

Sharing is caring...

So Chloe finished playing the piano, climbed up on the chair and grabbed a fork to chow down.

Then she decided that I should eat... whether I was hungry or not... =T

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

One tough aspect of being a dad

Glad I'm not her father... I'd never be able to say no to this face... (I don't know how you do it Andrew! =P)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone. I haven't used my camera this extensively in a while, just wasn't feeling it lately... i forgot that it feels good!
Well this pic was taken easter sunday after service. I like the idea, but i couldn't execute the delivery as glo is a tad out of focus. So i softened the lighting and blurred the outer edges a little more to make her face not look so blurry. Well here's to hoping, in the worst case you can just keep it small and it looks great! =P

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